
Thank you for your understanding and support to Kan-Sho's activities.

(1) Donations by credit card

  • Please make your payment using the form linked below. (VISA, Master, JCB, Amex, Diners, Discover)
  • We use the PAY.JP system for payment. You will not receive any notification by e-mail or other means, as the payment will be made with encryption security measures in place, and your card information and bank transfer information will not be passed on to us. If you would like us to know that you have made a donation, please contact us using the contact form.
  • If the payment is successful, the payment ID will be displayed.
    When contacting us for inquiries or about donations, please make sure you have the date of your donation and your payment ID so that we can respond smoothly.
  • In principle, we cannot issue certificates for donations from overseas.
  • Donations made will be transferred from the designated account in the same way as your regular credit card transaction, based on the terms and conditions of each credit card company.
    Only Japanese yen can be used for settlement, and exchange conversion to the issuer's local currency will take place at the rate and fees set by the credit card issuer.
    Please contact the your credit card company for details on fees and other charges.
    Normally the transfer will be made in the next month from the application date or the month after that.
    Please check your statement. The name "KAN-SHO_DONATE" will be written on your statement.

Please click the button below to register your card information (using the PAY.JP payment system).


Please enter the amount you would like to donate.
We are sorry to say that donation amounts start at 500 Japanese yen.


After confirming the amount you wish to support, press "Make a donation".


We are sorry, but we cannot provide refunds after your donation has been made. If you have any questions, please contact us using the "Contact Us" form below.
